Notice to real estate agents who wish to register directly with us.
We would like to remind all registered real estate agents to take their registration with us seriously. It is crucial that you adhere to the following procedures:
1. Please ensure that all your bidder information is accurate and complete. Email your completed bidder information to Any incomplete or inaccurate information may result in your registration being rejected.
2. Kindly contact us at 03 5518 1442 to confirm your registration status. Failure to do so may result in your registration being deemed incomplete and ineligible for participation.
3. Once you have submitted your registration, please wait for our confirmation before proceeding with e-bidding during auctions. Any attempt to bid without our confirmation will be considered invalid and may result in disqualification.
4. We strongly advise that you ensure your registration as an agent is successful before registering for e-bidding during auctions. Any attempt to participate without a successful registration will be considered a breach of our procedures and may result in disqualification.
5. Finally, please be aware that we will not be responsible for any commission payment if you fail to comply with the established procedures. We take our procedures seriously, and we expect all agents to do the same.
We hope that you take this notice seriously and comply with our procedures to ensure a smooth and successful auction process. Thank you for your cooperation.